BMB Weekly #12: March 22, 2024
Vol. 57, No.12
Art Exhibit Features Historical Black Plant Scientists "The Plant Resilience Institute (PRI), in coordination with Plant Cell Atlas (PCA), is excited to announce an art exhibit featuring historically significant Black
scholars in plant science on display in the Molecular Plant Science (MPS) building February 2024 to honor Black History Month." |
Upcoming Seminars
Spring Colloquium Series: Min Li
Min Li from The University of Oklahoma College of Medicine will be presenting "Developing a novel therapy for pancreatic cancer".
To join us on Zoom, click this link. Password: bmbseminar
The Spring BMB Seminar Series will run through April 18, 2024. The complete schedule is available on the BMB Spring Seminar Series website. If you are interested in meeting with any of these speakers please email Leslie Williams, Many speakers are planning to visit in-person. A zoom option will continue to be offered for all seminars.
Mark Your Calendar
How to Decide Between an Academic and Nonacademic Career
This is a virtual webinar series designed to help PhDs explore and evaluate their career options. Beyond Prof will walk participants through a series of exercises to help them evaluate career options and identify next steps in building their career either as faculty or beyond the professoriate. This series is uniquely designed for doctoral students, PhDs, and postdocs from all academic disciplines who are wondering:
- Is a faculty career path right for me?
- What other career options are available to PhDs in my discipline?
- How to identify career pathways that are right for me?
- What can I do with my PhD?
This series will be available through live and recorded sessions. Learn more and register here.
ETD Formatting Walk-In Help
Do you have questions regarding formatting your thesis or dissertation? Stop in during one of our help sessions to talk to Graduate School staff about any specific formatting questions you may have. These are walk-in sessions. No registration is required. Learn more here.
Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week 2024
To celebrate Graduate & Professional Student Appreciation Week, the Graduate School is hosting a number of events throughout the first week of April, including meet & greets with the MSU leadership, professional development opportunities, contests, and more. Join us in celebrating our amazing students by participating in some of these events. Learn more here.
Luncheon with Molecular Plant Sciences Speaker Hailing Jin
Join us for MPS speaker Hailing Jin from University of California, Riverside. The seminar will be held at 4:00 p.m. in BCH room 101.
Hailing’s talk is titled “Cross-Kingdom RNA trafficking between plants and fungal pathogens”. We would like to invite graduate students and postdocs to join the speaker for a lunch and discussion. Lunch will be provided at 12:00 p.m. in PLB 168. This is a great opportunity to meet our outside speaker in an informal environment. If you would like to participate in the luncheon, please RSVP to Keri Morris ( with any dietary restrictions by Friday, March 29, 2024 at noon. All students and post docs who are interested in this week’s seminar topic are welcome to attend. You do not need to be in the MPS program or affiliated with an MPS faculty member.
2024 Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Undergraduate Poster Session
Please mark your calendar to attend the 2024 Biochemistry Undergraduate Poster session. Come network with your department colleagues and support our amazing Biochemistry undergraduate students, as they present their research. Light refreshments will be available.
Graduate Women in Science: Symposium of Errors
Join Graduate Women in Science for an exciting night of commiseration and camaraderie as we celebrate the challenges we face (and hopefully overcome) in doing research! Pursuing new knowledge is difficult, and all too often we place value on the success without acknowledging the effort, obstacles, and failures along the way. We don't have to suffer alone, so bring your stories of failure, confusion, and facing the unexpected to share with new friends across STEM disciplines and enter and vote in two different contests to win (consolation) prizes:
- Ugly Figure Contest: Enter a single image of data gone awry: the survey data that went contrary to plan, the gel with a pretty but completely unwanted pattern, the time you set up an experiment wrong and found out well after the fact, etc. Include a short caption that explains the image for attendees outside your discipline.
- Un-Progress Talks: Do you have a story about the worst mistake you've ever made, unfortunate lab accidents, or a perplexing problem? Share your tragic, humorous (or both) story in a short presentation - 5 min max, can have a slide or two for visuals.
Anyone training in STEM, undergrad/grad/postdoc/etc., is welcome to join and present their story, or just come for moral support! If you have any questions or ideas about the event, reach out to Natasha George ( Please RSVP here.
First International Summit on Plant Resilience
The Plant Resilience Institute's first International Plant Resilience Summit will convene an international cohort of world-class plant science researchers at Michigan State University from May 16-17, 2024. A detailed schedule is available online. The event is FREE and open to all MSU community members. Please register using the online form. Registration closes on Monday, April 15, 2024, at 5 pm ET. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to Gaëlle Cassin-Ross (
Awards, Grants and Fellowships
Lyman Briggs Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Fellowship Program

Ph.D. students selected for this 12-month program will work with an LBC faculty member on a disciplinary‐based education research (DBER), scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), or action research project. SUTL research topics may include developing and assessing various curricular interventions such as inquiry-based labs, interdisciplinary teaching and learning, science ethics, teaching with case studies, and efforts to increase the retention and success of a diverse STEM population. Each SUTL Fellow will work closely with their LBC faculty mentor to contribute to a DBER/SoTL/action research project and will be encouraged and supported to disseminate project results via peer reviewed journals, conferences, and pedagogy‐related venues. Learn more and apply here.
Neogen Land Grant Prize

This endowed award program seeks to advance the work of an MSU graduate student whose research has the potential to contribute to economic and scientific improvements in society, with a promise of practical applications that benefit U.S. economic interests. Applicants must be graduate students in good standing who have successfully passed their preliminary exam, have a track record of research accomplishment, and a project that is ripe for translation to impact through a commercialization/dissemination pathway. Learn more and apply here.
2024 Outstanding Mentoring Awards
Application Deadline:
- Outstanding Doctoral Student Mentor Award: April 15, 2024
- Outstanding Graduate Program Community Award: May 15, 2024
- Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award: May 15, 2024
Nominations for this year’s Graduate School Outstanding Mentoring Awards are now open. These awards recognize graduate programs, faculty, and doctoral students who exemplify mentoring best practices. Learn more about the various awards and how to nominate a person or program by following this link.
MSU IT Instructional Development Training
MSU IT is offering several virtual instructional technology and development recordings for educators in March. Take a deep dive into accessibility considerations and effective course design tools and other technology-informed teaching strategies. Also, the MSU Ed Tech Summit is approaching! Be sure to sign up to attend or be a presenter, June 3-6, 2024. Learn more here.
How to Complete Your Grad Student or Nonresident/International Student Tax Return (and Understand It, Too!)
This Personal Finance for PhDs workshop is provided to you for free by the Graduate School Office of Well-Being, Council of Graduate Students, and the Graduate School at Michigan State University. This workshop teaches you the federal higher education tax benefits available to you, including how to tabulate, calculate, and report your funding and education expenses. Learn more and register here.
Online Active Violence Incident Training
The MSU Department of Police and Public Safety has released an online Active Violence Incident Awareness Training program that is available for students, faculty, and staff. This training includes a presentation explaining how to respond during an active violence situation. Throughout the training, knowledge checkpoint questions will appear on screen to evaluate participants’ understanding of the content. In addition, a video is in development, which will be included in the training at a later time. Learn more here.
MSU Food Bank
Eligible to undergraduates, graduates, and professional students enrolled in Fall/Spring semester and without a dining plan. Fruits, soups, pasta, rice, protein, cereal, bread, and fresh produce available year-round! To learn more about visiting the MSU Foodbank, or to donate, visit here.
Job Postings
Research Associate, Fixed Term — College of Osteopathic Medicine

The College of Osteopathic Medicine is seeking a highly motivated and productive chemical biologist/biochemist to conduct daily research on exciting recently funded projects to 1) investigate how lipid metabolites affect neurodegeneration and 2) discover novel molecules to treat diseases with no effective intervention. Learn more about this MSU Careers posting and apply at this link.
Research Associate, Fixed Term — Balbach Lab
A Postdoctoral Research Associate position is available in the laboratory of Melanie Balbach. The Research Associate will focus on the metabolic changes and underlying regulatory pathways in the male germ cell during activation and during zygote development. The position requires the development and application of advanced omics tools in combination with sperm motility, capacitation and fertilization read-outs as well as high-throughput screening assays. Research findings are expected to be reported in the form of written publications as well as oral presentations within MSU and at scientific meetings. Opportunities for professional development include participation in grant proposal writing, attending and presenting at scientific research symposiums and conferences, networking with other scientists within and outside MSU as well as mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students. Learn more about this MSU Careers posting and apply at this link.
Research Associate, Fixed Term — Lundquist Lab
Applications are invited for a Post-Doctoral (Research Associate) position available in plant biochemistry at Michigan State University in the laboratory of Dr. Peter K. Lundquist. We study the function and formation of plastoglobule lipid droplets of chloroplasts which are highly relevant to plant stress responses and play an active role in membrane remodeling and numerous lipid metabolic pathways. Duties of the incumbent will include gene cloning and heterologous protein expression, protein purifications, in vitro assays, phosphoproteomic analyses, manuscript writing, and training of other lab personnel. Learn more about this MSU Careers posting and apply at this link.
Research Assistant Professor in First-year Research Immersion — Binghamton University
The First-year Research Immersion (FRI) program at Binghamton University invites applications for a three-year renewable, full time Research Assistant Professor (also known as the Research Educator) position, to begin August 2024. This is a unique 10-month non-tenure track faculty position that directly combines teaching and research. This position is for Biomedical Chemistry (open to individuals with appropriate background in biochemistry, molecular biology, chemistry and/or pharmacology). Candidates must have completed PhD degree before starting. Learn more and apply here.
Recent Publications
Boger, B. L., Manfredi, J. M., Loucks, A. R., Salamey, M. Z., Kapeller, L. E., Fricano, A. G., Winkler, A., Yob, C., & Colbath, A. C. (2024). Intra-articular triamcinolone acetonide injection results in increases in systemic insulin and glucose concentrations in horses without insulin dysregulation. Equine veterinary journal, 56(2), 326–331.
Carey, S. M., Kearns, S. P., Millington, M. E., Buechner, G. S., Alvarez, B. E., Jr, Daneshian, L., Abiskaroon, B., Chruszcz, M., & D'Antonio, E. L. (2024). At the outer part of the active site in Trypanosoma cruzi glucokinase: The role of phenylalanine 337. Biochimie, 218, 8–19.
Jin, H., & Merz, K. M., Jr (2024). Modeling Fe(II) Complexes Using Neural Networks. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 10.1021/acs.jctc.4c00063. Advance online publication.
Zhang, Y., Kaiser, E., Dutta, S., Sharkey, T. D., Marcelis, L. F. M., & Li, T. (2024). Short-term salt stress reduces photosynthetic oscillations under triose phosphate utilization limitation in tomato. Journal of experimental botany, erae089. Advance online publication.