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The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB) at Michigan State University offers sophisticated instruction in modern biology, molecular genetics and biotechnology. Training in these areas provides excellent preparation for postgraduate education and the job market. The undergraduate experience is characterized by strong preparation in chemistry, molecular biology and biochemistry, emphasizing practical training in marketable laboratory skills.

Undergraduates can enhance their education and training through independent research mentored by BMB faculty. BMB graduates are widely regarded for their excellent training as they advance to graduate school, professional school and jobs in industry. Students seeking admission to the program should complete the high school science or college preparatory curriculum, ensuring that their programs include courses required for admission to the university.

The MSU Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology offers two programs that lead to the Bachelor of Science degree.

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology major combines the elements of a liberal education with thorough preparation in the underlying principles of biology, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. It is intended primarily for those students who wish to pursue a career in which a sound knowledge of biochemistry is necessary, or for students who plan further studies at the graduate or professional level.

The Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/Biotechnology major is intended primarily for students who plan to pursue careers in industry, veterinary medicine, or related health sciences, or for students who plan advanced study in biotechnology and molecular biology.

Academic Plans

You will need a PDF reader to view these files. (updated Aug 3 2020)

The course requirements for the majors are based on the academic year of admission to the major.

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology major requirements checklist (PDF) (thru Spring 2022)
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology major requirements checklist (PDF) (Summer 2022 and beyond)
Approved Selectives and Course Prerequisites List (Google Sheet)
BMB 4-year plan (Excel).
BMB 4-year plan (Excel) (Fall 2025 and beyond)

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/Biotechnology

Biochemistry & Molecular Bio/Biotechnology major requirements checklist (PDF) (thru Spring 2022)
Biochemistry & Molecular Bio/Biotechnology major requirements checklist (PDF) (Summer 2022 and beyond)
Approved Selectives and Course Prerequisites List (Google Sheet)
BMB/Biotechnology 4-year plan (Excel).
BMB/Biotechnology 4-year plan (Excel) (Fall 2025 and beyond)

Office of the Registrar: Undergraduate Majors

Biochemistry & Molecular Biology  
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology/Biotechnology