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Department Policies

Welcome to the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Michigan State University
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
603 Wilson Road, Room 212
East Lansing, MI 48824-1319
Office: (517) 355-1600
Fax: (517) 353-9334

Chairperson: Olorunseun “Seun” Ogunwobi
Associate Chairperson: R. William Henry
Graduate Director: Erik Martinez Hackert
Undergraduate Director: Susanne Hoffmann-Benning

The BMB Department employs office staff, computer techs and mechanics to assist you.

Name Title Location Phone (517) Email
Amy Koschmider Accountant 212 BCH 353-3917 koschmi1@msu.edu
Nichole Daly BCH Building Manager/
Biochemistry Store Purchasing
114 BCH 432-5042 dalyn@msu.edu
Ron Dunn BCH Building Maintenance 14 BCH 355-8500 dunnrona@msu.edu
Deanna Ely Biochemistry Store Manager 110 BCH 353-0813 laderoot@msu.edu
Bernadette Lake ULAR Animal Facility Manager 3 BCH 884-0301 lakebe36@msu.edu
Jessica Lawrence Graduate Secretary 212 BCH 353-0807 jesslaw@msu.edu
Kaillathe (Pappan) Padmanabhan Computer Facility/ IT 202 BCH 353-0814 padmanab@msu.edu
Sue Pung HR Representative 212 BCH 432-4455 pungsd@msu.edu
Mary Thompson Purchasing 212 BCH 355-8501 diedri13@msu.edu
Mary Villarreal Undergraduate Secretary 105 BCH 353-8949 villar30@msu.edu
Leslie Williams Office Coordinator/
Assistant to Chair
212 BCH 432-9895 glady@msu.edu
William C. Yang Department Manager 210 BCH 355-3180 yangwi@msu.edu

The following services are offered by the Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Department and MSU.

Biochemistry Building Security:

The building is open Monday through Friday 7:30 am – 6:00 pm. It is against University security policy to allow access to the building by leaving a door propped open. Contact Ron Dunn for building security issues.

BMB Listservs:

The office distributes announcements using MSU LISTSERV. To be added to or dropped from any of the following lists, contact the BMB Main Office at BMB.Office@msu.edu :

  • BMB Seminar - Recieve updates of seminars offered by the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology.
  • BMB Building - Recieve updates specific to those working in the Biochemistry Building.
  • BMB MSU Campus - Recieve updates on requests from across the campus.

Fax Machine:

The fax machine in Room 212 is available for department use. The fax number is (517) 353-9334. Our office staff can assist you with sending faxes.

Keys and Electronic ID Card Access:

To obtain electronic ID card access and keys for rooms and labs in the Biochemistry Building please visit our main office to fill out a request form or contact Mary Thompson.

Mail Service:

Faculty mailboxes are located in the hall on the 2nd floor near the main office (room 212.) Main office staff can assist with sending:

  • Pre-stamped USPS mail: Any mail, personal or business, that has postage paid is picked up directly by USPS mail carriers on a daily basis.
  • Campus mail: Any mail that is directed to another department on campus can be sent via campus mail. Campus mail is picked up twice daily and must be in the mail basket by 8:00 a.m. or 1:00 p.m.
  • Federal Express: Anything sent via FedEx needs to be brought to the BMB main office (room 212) no later than 12:00 p.m. for same day pick-up.  Please complete a fillable pdf request form and email it to our main office staff at BMB.Office@msu.edu.

Lab Safety (ORCBS):

Lab safety is the responsibility of the PI in the lab. Most of the necessary training for handling hazardous material is accessible on-line at Environmental Health and Safety, (EHS). If an employee is working with recombinant DNA or radiation they must attend training sessions at the EHS office. Please contact EHS at 5-0153, or Nichole Daly.

Helping Distressed Students:

Visit the Counseling Center for assistance

University students may experience a great deal of stress during the course of their academic experiences. While most students cope successfully with the challenges these years bring, some students find the various pressures of life unmanageable or unbearable. As faculty members, teaching assistants, and other staff, you may encounter distressed students in your office or your classrooms. Many of these students have not sought counseling and may be unaware of the services available to them. Your role could be a positive and crucial one in identifying students who are in distress and assisting them to find the resources available to help themselves.

There may be a time a student communicates to you through email, phone or in person and signals that they could do harm to themselves or to others. In these situations, or whenever you have a concern about a student’s communication to you, do not hesitate to forward that student’s information to:

Heidi Purdy, Director of Undergraduate Studies
