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Selected Publications

Noyes, K., C. Carlson, J. de Lima, T.M. Long, C.V. Schwarz, J.R. Stoltzfus, M.M. Cooper, M.M. (2022) A Deep Look into Designing a Task and Coding Scheme through the Lens of Causal Mechanistic Reasoning. Journal of Chemical Education 99(2) 874-885. doi.org/10.1021/acs.jchemed.1c00959.
Liu J., R. Cook, L. Danhof, J. R. Stoltzfus, C. Benning (2021). An Arabidopsis Mutant Screen CURE for a Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory Course. CUREnet CURE Collection, Science Education Resource Center. https://serc.carleton.edu/curenet/collection/245156.html.   

Liu. J., R. Cook, L. Danhof, D. Lopatto, J.R. Stoltzfus, C. Benning. (2021) Connecting Research and Teaching Introductory Cell and Molecular Biology Using an Arabidopsis Mutant Screen. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Education 49(6):926-934; doi.org/10.1002/bmb.21579
Schwarz, C.V., M.M. Cooper, T.M. Long, C.M. Trujillo, J. de Lima, J. Kesh, K. Noyes, J.R. Stoltzfus. (2020) Mechanistic Explanations Across Undergraduate Chemistry and Biology Courses. Proceedings from the 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences. Volume 1 Page 625. 10176382 (nsf.gov).
Bain, K., R.L. Matz, C.L. Fata-Hartley, M.D. Caballero, D. Ebert-May, S.M. Underwood, J.H. Carmel, D.G. Herrington, J.T. Laverty, E.M. Duffy, J.R. Stoltzfus, L. Bender, L.A. Posey, M. Urban-Lurain, R.L. Stowe, R.D. Sweeder, S.H. Tessmer and M.M. Cooper. (2020) “Characterizing College Science Instruction: The Three-Dimensional Learning Observation Protocol,” PLOS One; doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234640.
Bierema, A., C.V. Schwarz, J.R. Stoltzfus. (2017) Engaging Undergraduate Biology Students in Scientific Modeling: Analysis of Group Interactions, Justification, and Sense-Making. CBE-Life Sciences Education 16:ar68; doi:10.1187/cbe.17-01-0023.
Porcek-Hubbs, N.B., K.N. Parent and J.R. Stoltzfus. (2017) Models in the Biology Classroom: An in-class modeling activity on Meiosis. American Biology Teacher 79(6):482-491; doi:10.1525/abt.2017.79.6.482.

Pelletreau, K. N., T. Andrews, N. Armstrong, M. A. Bedell, F. Dastoor, N. Dean, S. Erster, C. Fata-Hartley, N. Guild, H. Greig, D. Hall, J. K. Knight, D. Koslowsky, P. P. Lemons, J. Martin, J. McCourt, J. Merrill, R. Moscarella, R. Nehm, R. Northington, B. Olsen, L. Prevost, J. Stoltzfus, M. Urban-Lurain, M. K. Smith. (2016) A clicker-based case study that untangles student thinking about the processes in the central dogma. Course Source http://www.coursesource.org/courses/a-clicker-based-case-study-that-untangles-student-thinking-about-the-processes-in-the.

Stoltzfus, J.R. and J. Libarkin. (2016) Does the Room Matter? Active Learning in Traditional and Enhanced Lecture Spaces. CBE-Life Sciences Education 15:ar68. doi: 10.1187/cbe.16-03-0126

Bierema, A. M.-K., J. R. Stoltzfus, and C. V. Schwarz. (2015). The role of sense-making in undergraduate modeling activities. In Baumgartner, E. and Daniel, K. (committee co-chairs). Proceedings: 2015 Biology Education Research Symposium, NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers) Professional Development Conference, Providence, RI, 12 November 2015.

Jardeleza, S., A. Cognato, M. Gottfried, R. Kimbirauskas, J. Libarkin, R. Olson, G. Ording, J. Owen, P. Rasmussen, J. Stoltzfus, S. Thomas (accepted). Summer 2013. The Value of Community Building: One Center’s Story of How the Value Rubrics Provided Common Ground. Liberal Education - Association of American Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Press; 99(3).  Link to publication

Goddeeris, M. M., E. Cook-Wiens, W. J. Horton, H. Wolf, J. R. Stoltzfus, M. Borrusch, and M. S. Grotewiel. “Delayed behavioural aging and altered mortality in Drosophila beta-integrin mutants.” Aging Cell 2.5 (2003): 257-64. doi:10.1046/j.1474-9728.2003.00060.x.

Stoltzfus, J. R., W. J. Horton, and M. S. Grotewiel. “Odor-guided behavior in Drosophila requires calreticulin.” Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology 189.6 (2003): 471-83. doi:10.1007/s00359-003-0425-z.

Stoltzfus, J.R. and F.J. de Bruijn (1999). Evaluating diazotrophy, diversity, and endophytic colonization ability of bacteria isolated from surface-sterilized rice. In Ladha, J.K. and Reddy, P.M. (eds) Nitrogen Fixation in Rice. IRRI Press, Los Banos, Philippines. p. 63-91.

Stoltzfus, J.R., J.K. Jansson and F.J. de Bruijn. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a biomarker or bioreporter for bacteria. In Jansson, J.K., Bailey, M. and van Elsas, J.D. (eds) Tracking Genetically Modified Microorganisms. Biotechnology Intelligence Unit Series. R.G. Landes Company, Austin, TX p. 101-116. Link to publication

Stoltzfus, J.R., R. So, J.K. Ladha, and F.J. de Bruijn (1997). "Isolation of endophytic bacteria from rice and assessment of their potential for supplying rice with biologically fixed nitrogen." Plant and Soil 194:25-36. doi:10.1023/A:1004298921641.

Yanni, Y.G., R.Y. Rizk, V. Corich, A. Squrtini, K. Ninke, S. Pilip-hollingswirth, G. Orgambide, F.J. de Bruijn, J. Stoltzfus, D. Buckley, T.M. Schmidt, P.F. Mateos, J.K. Ladha, and F.B. Dazzo (1997). "Natural endophytic association between Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. trifolii and rice roots and assessment of its potential to promote rice growth." Plant and Soil 194:99-114. doi:10.1023/A:1004269902246.

Szczyglowski, K., T. Potter, J. Stoltzfus, S.Y. Fujimoto, and F. J. de Bruijn (1996). "Differential expression of the Sesbania rostrata leghemoglobin glb3 gene promoter in transgenic legume and non-legume plants." Plant Molecular Biology 31:931-935. Link to publication.