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BMB Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Awards

Outstanding Graduate Student Award

Given to a student who has excelled in scholarship, research and teaching activities during his or her career in this department. Candidates should be graduate students in their final year of study.

Year Awardee Mentor
2022 Kayla Johnson Arjun Krishnan
2021 Quynh Dong Jason Bazil
2020 Alyssa Preiser Tom Sharkey
2020 Joel Rankin Bob Hausinger
2019 Geoffrey Severen Christopher Waters
2018 Kelly Fader Tim Zacharewski
2017 Sebastian Raschka Leslie Kuhn
2016 Rance Nault Tim Zacharewski
2015 Mark Faruggia Robert Hausinger
2014 Fei Li Shelagh Ferguson-Miller
2013 Youssef Kousa Brian Schutte
2012 Nitin Raj Bill Henry
2012 Adam Cornish Eric Hegg
2011 Jodi Boer Bob Hausinger
2010 Eric Moellering Christoph Benning
2009 Michael Ruckle  
2009 Jana Simmons  

Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award

Presented to a student who has excelled in research during his or her career. (Candidates should be graduate students who have successfully passed their prelim examination)

Year Awardee Mentor
2021 Joel Rankin Bob Hausinger
2020 Martin Ogrodzinski Sophia Lunt
2019 Bryan Leong Robert Last
2018 Peter Dornbos John LaPres
2018 Meng-Lun Hsieh Chris Waters
2017 Kun "Kenny" Wang Christoph Benning
2016 Yiliang Wei David Arnosti
2016 Anthony Parenti Amy Ralston
2015 Ronghui Pan Jianping Hu
2014 Disha Srivastava Chris Waters
2013 Mark Farrugia Bob Hausinger
2012 Zhen “Jenny” Wang Christoph Benning
2012 Ziru “James” Li Tom Sharkey
2011 Marcos Oliveira Laurie Kaguni
2010 Fei Zheng Hongbing Wang
2009 Hoo Sun Chung
2008 Leron Katsir Gregg Howe
2008 James Johnson Charles Hoogstraten

Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award

Given to a student for exceptional performance as a graduate teaching assistant during his or her graduate program.

Year Awardee Mentor
2021 Elise Rivett Eric Hegg
2020 Ana-Marie Raicu David Arnosti
2020 Jennifer Watts Amy Ralston
2019 Anastasiya Lavell Christoph Benning
2018 Jagannath Silwal Honggao Yan
2017 Han Nguyen Bruce Uhal
2016 Natalia Hubbs Kirsten Parent
2015 Sandra Olenic Lee Kroos
2014 Eric Poliner David Arnosti
2011 Alison Gjidoda Bill Henry
2010 Yi Zheng Michael Garavito
2009 Emily Harper  
2008 Anna Kopec Tim Zacharewski

Jack Throck Watson Graduate Fellowship

Former students and colleagues of Dr. Jack Throck Watson, Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry, have established the graduate fellowship to honor their teacher, mentor, friend, and colleague. Awards will be made to graduate students. Preference given to individuals engaged in research related to mass-spectrometry and its applications.

Year Awardee Mentor
2021 Deanna Broadwater Sophia Lunt
2020 Paul Fiesel Rob Last
2019 Jason Schrad Kristin Parent
2018 R. Michael Sgambelluri Jonathan Walton
2017 Daniel Lybrand Robert Last
2016 Alyssa Preiser Tom Sharkey
2015 Jie Li Susanne Hoffmann-Benning
2012 Fei Li Shelagh Ferguson-Miller

Dr. Richard U. and Claire M. Byerum Fellowship

Mrs. Claire Byerrum has established the Dr. Richard U. and Claire M. Byerrum Endowed Fellowship to aid the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in attracting or retaining outstanding graduate students.

Year Awardee Mentor
2021 Qianjie Wang Peter Lundquist
2020 Quynh Duong Jason Bazil
2019 Joel Rankin Robert Hausinger
2018 Alyssa Preiser Tom Sharkey
2017 Peter Dornbos John LaPres
2016 Daniel Parrell Lee Kroos

Willis Wood Award

This is a NEW award given for research innovation in BMB. Undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs are all eligible, and encouraged to apply.

Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award

This award is open to any postdoctoral researcher working in BMB faculty member’s laboratory. (Postdoctoral researcher is defined as an individual being within 5 years of their PhD being granted, 8 years based on extenuating circumstances (e.g. parental or medical leave, etc.) granted by the awards committee. Research Assistant Professors are also eligible if within 5 years of their PhD, 8 years based on extenuating circumstances (e.g. parental or medical leave, etc.) granted by the awards committee. The award will recognize outstanding postdoctoral progress towards developing an independent scientific career as an academic PI or industrial scientist. Evidence of such progress may include a significant record of peer reviewed publications and extramural talks, attaining a competitively reviewed postdoctoral fellowship or other honor/award from an extramural agency, establishing a clear set of research aims for future work as an independent scientist, and laying the groundwork for the research (via collaborations and preliminary results) while at MSU.

Year Awardee Mentor
2021 Shao Thing Teoh Sophia Lunt
2020 Sarah Doore Kristin Parent
2019 Rance Nault Tim Zacharewski
2018 Tuo Zhang Jian Hu
2017 Gaurav Moghe Robert Last
2016 Pengxiang Fan Robert Last
2016 Sarathi Wijetilleke Tom Sharkey
2015 Ruthie Angelovici Dean DellaPenna
2014 Parimal Kar Michael Feig
2012 Rebecca Roston Christoph Benning
2009 Anthony Schilmiller Robert Last

Clarence Suelter Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship Award

New in 2022, this award is open to any postdoctoral researcher (received PhD within the last five years) working in a BMB faculty member's laboratory. The award will recognize outstanding postdoctoral accomplishments and also encourage and support career development. In addition to a $3,000 award to the recipient, up to $5,000 will be made available for a career development opportunity. Career development activities may include: intensive training courses, workshops on teaching, career coaching fees, and other opportunities that a PI would not be expected to fund.

The application process for the Clarence Suelter Award is:
Prepare a CV along with an essay describing how the selected opportunity will advance your career goals. A single pdf should be submitted to the awards chair, (kparent@msu.edu) by Friday, March 14, 2025.

Once a recipient is selected for the award, the PI of the postdoctoral fellow must sign an acknowledgement stating the additional career development will be supported, as it will take time away from the postdoctoral fellow’s main lab duties. It is a good idea to discuss this ahead of time with your PI.