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Current Research

The Martinez-Hackert Lab: Elucidating TGF-β Signaling for Cellular Control

Transforming Growth Factor Beta (TGF-β) signaling pathways direct a wide range of cellular processes in all animals with implications for embryonic development, tissue regeneration, and disease. Our research seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms governing these pathways and to leverage this knowledge for the development of targeted therapeutic interventions.

Our Approach: A Multidisciplinary Toolkit for TGF-β Investigation

To elucidate TGF-β pathways at the molecular level and discover novel therapeutic targets, we integrate:

  • Structural Biology: X-ray crystallography, cryo-EM, and computational modeling to visualize complex architecture and signaling mechanisms.
  • Biotechnology: Advanced cell expression systems to generate specialized molecular components necessary for our work.
  • Protein Engineering: Designing and modifying proteins to facilitate the investigation of protein function and the development of effective modulators.

State-of-the-Art Research Approaches

Our expertise in TGF-β signaling requires cutting-edge techniques:

  • High-Resolution Visualization: Cryo-EM and other structural tools provide detailed maps of signaling complexes to give molecular insights not obtainable through other methods.
  • Structure-Function Correlation: Connecting protein structure to cellular outcomes empowers us to predict the biological impact of mutations and potential therapeutics.
  • Therapeutic Protein Design: Our understanding of structure and function informs the design of protein-based therapeutics, focusing on new therapies to promote muscle health and regeneration.

Current Projects

Our projects investigate TGF-β pathway complexities in multiple contexts:

  • Receptor Specificity: Exploring the molecular determinants of ligand-receptor interactions within the TGF-β family, shedding light on signaling control in musculoskeletal health and pulmonary arterial hypertension.
  • Signaling Complex Assembly: Elucidating the steps of receptor complex assembly and activation using a blend of advanced biophysical, structural, and cell biology tools.
  • Therapeutic Development: Translating structural insights into treatments, emphasizing TGF-β pathway regulation for promoting muscle health and regeneration.

Let's Collaborate!

Let’s discuss any potential avenues for collaboration if our interests align.